Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This is one from Brianna’s portfolio. There were so many good ones to choose from it was too hard to decide, so I showed this one. She could be famous in the next few years, so watch for her. Brianna puts together simple but very effective outfits. I wish I could make her famous. She is a very good model.

Composition- standard portrait/model set-up. No wasted space. Barn door doesn’t clash with her.

Lighting- Diffused, the sun was out, but not where we were.

In Photoshop I increased the Saturation (which I usually don’t do) and gave more contrast in Curves. They were both Adjustment Layers. I made a layer (Cmd/Ctl J) made a selection of her face and sharpened with Unsharp Mask.

Camera- Nikon D-50
ISO- 200
Shutter Speed- 1/100
F-stop- 5.6

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