Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This is one from Staci’s portfolio. There were so many good ones to choose from it was too hard to decide, so I showed this one because it’s semi-close-up. She could be famous in the next few years, so watch for her.

Composition- railroad tracks are a line that help take your eye to her. She fills the frame with no wasted space on top part of the photo. Notice how there isn’t anything distracting in the background to clash with her. Staci moves very well and her feeling of movement in a photo is excellent. I wish I could make her famous. She is a very good model.

Lighting- Diffused.

In Photoshop I increased the Saturation (which I usually don’t do) and gave more contrast in Curves. They were both Adjustment Layers. I made a layer (Cmd/Ctl J) and sharpened with Unsharp Mask.

Camera- Nikon D-50
ISO- 400
Shutter Speed- 1/80
F-stop- 5.6
Lens- Nikon 55mm

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