Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Woob Lot

First off, this is not a misprint. I shot this at a virgin wood lot called Tipton Woods in the fall of 1983. Those who have taken the Photoshop class have seen this slide, but not all green like this. Back to Woob Lot, the sign at the entrance of the virgin wood lot (all those years ago) said: virgin woob lot. Hence the name.

The composition is some kind of balance or some kind of line, but it probably doesn’t fit into basic elements of design. The lighting was diffused.

I turned it green in Photoshop a long time ago and to be honest, I forgot what I did. I probably changed it in Channel Mixer. Which can be used as an Adjustment Layer. Recently I opened it and wanted to change it. I used New Adjustment Layer>Curves and pulled up the highlights. This changed the whole curvature of the photo, so to speak. It made the whole photo lighter, but made a pleasant change to the tones.

Sometimes with the passage of time a photographer will look at a photo and want to print/process the image differently. You can look at a print for years and then it hits you. You want to make it different. Woob Lot is an example.

Camera- Canon FTb
Film- Kodachrome 25
ASA- 25 yes 25
Lens- Canon 28mm
Shutter Speed- 1/2 ish
F-stop- 11ish

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